Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Maggi Recipes With A Twist

Maggi Recipes With A Twist

Maggi 3
Do you remember the popular advertisement of Maggi noodles in the 80s where two kids after their playtime, enter the house screaming – ‘Mummy bade ghazab ki bhookh lagi, Maggi chhaiye mujhe abhi?’  The commercial concludes with a ringing tagline–hmm… Maggi noodles!
This is probably one of the fondest memories of country’s most loved convenient food –Maggi.
Ask any kid if they like Maggi and there is only one reply – wow. In other words – we simply love Maggi! We love it cooked with vegetables, with eggs, in a soup form or even fried. In short, if variety is the spice of life, then there has been lot of innovation and experiment with Maggi and the result has always been yum.
And there is more than just the above four ways to make Maggi.
In this post, TimesCity presents new ways to cook your favorite comfort food, Maggi.  
SOUTH INDIA STYLE MAGGI: Now who would have heard of Maggi noodles with mustard seeds? Giving a taste of traditional south Indian curry, this crackling twist to masala Maggi is apt for all who love to gorge on southern delicacies like dosa, ildi and sambhar. Try it out!Maggi 1Ingredients:
1 packet Maggi
1 and 1/2 cups water
1 tablespoon oil or butter
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
Salt to taste
A pinch of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon of vinegar
Method to prepare:
1) Heat a pan and add oil or butter to it.
2) When the butter melts or the oil is hot, add mustard seeds to it.
3) Now add water to the pan
4) When water starts boiling, add dry spices including salt, turmeric and red chilli powder.
5) Immerse Maggi noodles into this mixture and bring to boil
6) At this stage, add vinegar to the dish and remove it from the gas
Tip: Garnish it with finely chopped coriander or celery.
BAKED CHEESE AND CORN MAGGI: A yum twist to the classic baked Macaroni and cheese – this is one Maggi recipe that is gooey, creamy and simply irresistible. The silkiness of melting cheese combined with herbs and Maggi noodles makes it an instant hit among kids. mAGGI CROPPEDIngredients:
2 packet Maggi
2 and 1/2 cups shredded mozzrella cheese
2 tablespoons butter
Salt to taste
1and a 1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup semi boiled boiled corn
Method to prepare:
1) Add water in a vessel and bring it to boil
2) Now add Maggi and masala into the water
3) At this stage add corn and a bit of salt to the Maggi
4) Grease a flat baking tray with a dollop of butter
5) Once the noodles are half-cooked, pour them in the greased baking tray
6) After leveling up the noodles on the tray, add the shredded cheese on top
7) Cover the bed of noodles with cheese and sprinkle some fresh herbs on top
8) Place the baking tray in a preheated oven for 4-5 minutes
9) Take the tray out of the oven once the cheese melts and a light brown crust starts appearing on top
Tip: While making Maggi in the vessel make sure that it is not too runny or watery.  
MAGGI NOODLE SALAD: If you like your Maggi to be crunchy and crispy then this raw Maggi salad is your thing. Packed with the nutrients of vegetables along with the freshness of spices, this is a simple, quick and easy to make Maggi recipe.
1 pack Maggi noodles
1/2 teaspoon powdered cumin
2 pinches rock salt
1/2 teaspoon powdered sugar
Salt to taste
1 diced cucumber
1 finely chopped onion
1 finely chopped tomato
A few mint leaves and coriander leaves (finely chopped)
1 green chilli
2,3 garlic cloves
1/4 teaspoon chat masala
Method to prepare:
1) Break down Maggi noodles into small curls and dry roast them in a heavy pan until a light brown colour appears
2) In a large bowl, combine vegetables like cucumber, tomato and onion
3) Coarsely crush garlic cloves and green chilly by a rolling pin and add to the bowl of chopped vegetables
4) Add spices like rock salt, chat masala, cumin, salt  and sugar to the mixture
5) Combine the veggies with crushed Maggi noodles
6) Garnish it with mint and coriander leaves
Tip: To prevent the salad from going soggy, serve the salad immediately.

MAGGI MASALA TIKKI: How many times have you pondered over the question: what to do with leftover Maggi? Fret no more and convert the sticky cluster noodles into a decadent tikki with a simple 10 minutes jig.TikkiIngredients:
1 packet Maggi noddles
2 boiled potatoes
1 finally chopped onion
1 boiled carrot
Bread crumbs (optional)
Salt to taste
5 tablespoon oil
3 teaspoon ginger and garlic paste
1 teaspoon chat masala
Chopped coriander
Method to prepare:
 1) Use the leftover Maggi or boil Maggi into the water
2) In a big bowl, grate the potatoes and mix with Maggi. Add carrots or any vegetable of your choice – along with bread crumbs (if you want)
3) Add salt, ginger and garlic paste, chat masala  and coriander to the dry mixture
4) Mix the ingredients together and shape it into a round tikki
5) Deep fry or shallow fry the tikki as per your liking
Tip: Sprinkle a bit of Maggi masala (tastemaker) on tikki for that extra zing
MANGO MAGGI: Yes, you read it right! If you have ever thought of widening your food horizon then this is one Maggi recipe that will help you explore new territories. So, open up your mind (and tummy too!) to this out-of-the-box twist to your favorite convenient food.
1 pack Maggi noodles
1 cup thick Mango Syrup (made of mango and sugar)
1 cup diced fresh mango
2-3 spoon sugar
2 cups water
Method to prepare:
 1) Boil water and sugar together in a vessel
2) Immerse Maggi cake into the liquid until it is cooked. (Do not add masala to it)
3) Now sieve out the excess water and allow the noodles to rest
4) When the noodles are cool then add mango syrup to it
5) Put the vessel into refrigerator for 2-3 hours
6) Top it up with fresh mango

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